Earn Additional Income With Crypto Staking, Get up to 32% profit per year

Earn Additional Income With Crypto Staking, Get up to 32% profit per year

Earn extra income by staking your favorite crypto.
The way Crypto Staking works is by securing the associated coin protocol and in return you will earn interest on your coins.
Unlike bank deposits, staking interest can be taken daily or weekly.

Benefits of staking crypto on Triv

100% Insured
Triv cold storage is insured by Bitgo custodian & Lloyd England up to 100 million USD .

0% Fee
Receive interest without any deductions, the interest shown is the interest you get clean.

Dividend Yield
Interest is distributed regularly and you can disburse it directly to 61 banks & E-wallet supported by the Triv system 24 hours without holidays.

Guide on how to easily stake crypto on TRIV

Pick your favorite coin

Choose from a variety of coins supported by Triv. Crypto Staking is suitable for long-term investors who believe in the growth of the coin.

Set stake amount

Enter your desired amount to be staked, you can start staking as low as 100.000 IDR within Triv system.

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Happy earning !

You will receive your interest daily or weekly , All interest can be withdrawn to bank instantly or re-stake and grow bigger with your staking stash.


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